Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Bunch Of Sickies Up In Here. :)

Last week was a dozy at my house.  It started with me getting a call from my sons school that he was sick and had a fever and then snowballed into a sick infested house faster then you could say snowball, and I'm not even kidding.  :/

Wednesday, I woke up with a fever, chills and body aches and I felt like death. I could not hardly move out of bed. My sweet husband took the kids to my in laws to watch the kids to let me sleep and try and feel better but by the afternoon I was worse and I had him take me to Urgent Care. Where I was told I had the flu. UGGHHHHH!  {funny story, when the Dr was looking me over, he said, "I can tell you don't feel well, your shirt is inside out."    "Welllllll Gooooood," I said.  That's when you know you definitely don't feel well, that and my watch was on upside down too. Looorrdddyyyy!

So after leaving there we went and picked the kids up and as soon as I walked in I knew Malley was sick. She was sitting on my Father In Laws lap and didn't even turn her head to look at me and her eyes were glassy and watery and she had a fever and felt miserable.  I called the after hours care at her Pediatricians office and made her a 7pm appt and off she went to be seen.  I got a call from my hubby that she too had the flu........Mamas heart was broken.....I felt horrible not only physically but for her to have to flu made me burst into tears and weep for her.  I of course had the flu and I would have taken the flu from her and given to myself ten fold for her to not have it.  I mean, I knew how miserable I felt, I could only imagine how she sweet Mal Mal.

My son thankfully didn't have the flu but was just sick with a virus.,,,,then on Friday my Husband got sick.....not the flu but then by Saturday my poor Father In Law had the flu.........Oy Vay!

Sooooo this long winded post and all that to say,,,,,,,not sure if you are for or against the flu shot (the only person who had the flu shot in my family was my FIL and he still got the flu) but get the flu shot.   I wish now I would have.....the deal with Malley is that the last time she was at her 1 year appointment her doctors office did not have the vaccine in and then she got it.  I will say from now on, we will be getting it. 

You don't realize how fragile babies are until its at that point that you cant do anything for them and NOTHING feels worse as a parent when you cant take their pain/sickness away. :(

So, we are now all on the mend, thank goodness and hopefully we can all stay that way. I'm hoping we have all our sickies out of the way for the Holidays and we can enjoy them.

Stay well friends,

Cherish Every Moment!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Blog Name

I changed the name of my blog.

I thought how sweet Peach vs. Pit sounded and how perfect it describes my life  right now.

Peach- Because life can be so wonderfully sweet, juicy and just the right amount of tang.  Life is really something to be celebrated and cherished and what better way to describe it but with Peach.

Pit- Well for obvious reasons of course. Life can also be so dang hard and well isn't life always in some form or another hard even in the midst of when life is sweet??

Soooo there you have it, the new name. Ive been thinking of changing the name for a couple of weeks when I decided to try this whole blogging again but couldn't figure out what to call it until reading another blogger I follow post this blog today and it hit me like a ton of bricks, that this was it.  Thank you for the inspiration for my blog name....I hope its not like stealing....EEEKKKK!

Have a great day everyone.
Cherish Every Moment

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Long Time No Blog. :)

Man O' Man. Its been well over 2 years since Ive been on this ol' blog of mine. SOOOOO much as happened since then.  I really regret that I didnt keep up with this little space of mine.  Ive had a baby in between for crying out loud.  I really wish I would have documented my pregnancy and her first year but I didnt and now I think Im going to shed a few tears.....:(

Her name is Malley and she is almost 14 months old now and boy let me tell you she is a pure joy and the light of our lives. Her big brother adores her and cant get enough of her, he calls her "Miss America", its the sweetest thing. Life with this cutie pie is a Blessing.

Cooper is now in Kindergarten and is 5 1/5, where did my little boy go?? I cant believe I have a kindergartener. He is a doll and so much personality. I just cant say enough good things about my little fella'.

Other then a pregnancy and adding another child to the mix life has been pretty much going on as usual.  Im going to try and make an effort to keep up with this space- not sure anyone else will read this but its good to keep for my own. 

Cherish Every Moment.

Friday, July 20, 2012

"I Wont Give Up"-Jason Mraz

This song speaks to me in so many ways. I think its very fitting for any situation one might be in, either a relationship, work, family anything really. I just wanted to share this, since it has been on my heart all day. Besides he has an AHH-Maazzzing voice.
~~ Enjoy~~

Until Next time...
...Cherish Every Moment!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th

I hope everyone had a great July 4th.
I know I sure did. We had some great friends over and we spent it out by the pool, eating great food and grilling out. Perfect day to me.

Cooper had one of his besties there. She is the cutest sweetest thing ever and I do believe Cooper has a tiny crush on her.
One day they will get married, oh yes!! :)

After everyone left my hubby and my son went out and did sparklers. Coop loved it. He was so cute holding the sparkler.  We didnt go see fireworks since we are going Saturday to watch them at a friend of our house who puts on an amazing fireworks display. Cant wait.

I know I NEVER post. Im feel like Im not very good at this blogging thing. I really want to be better I just feel like I never know what to say. Oh well hopefully I will get better about it. sigh

Until next time....
....Cherish Every Moment!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Birthday Boy!!

Today is my son Cooper Blaine's 3rd Birthday. I know every parent says this but really where the heck did the time go??
                                         It seems like yesterday that I was pregnant with him

A look back the last 3 year years


 1 years old

 2 years old

3 years old

Dear Cooper,

You are the light of my life. You have brought more joy to me then I could have ever imagined. My whole world is so much brighter and joyful and better now that you are in it. I am so proud of the Lil man you have become. You love everything Scooby Doo and although I get tired of watching rerun after reruns of all the Scooby shows it brings a smile to my face that you love it so much. You are also into Toy Story and think Buzz and Woody are the best. As a matter of fact your pool party Saturday is all Toy Story themed and I know you will LOVE it.

You are the happiest when you are outside and you all are ALL boy, that is for sure. I love to see you explore nature and love watching you watch all the birds and get so excited when you see one on your bird feeder. You love your bike and love to ride along with daddy when he rides.

Although I know when you get older you will not enjoy this so I am taking pictures to prove it but you love to help mommy and daddy clean; whether is vacuuming, mopping or helping with laundry, you love to be a big helper. I hope that will continue in the future.....I'm not holding my breath......HA!!

You love your baths and all your bath toys, you are into making the waters different colors by the color tablets I got you and you always ask for a purple water and green water and sometimes yellow water. I thinks its neat too. :)

You have a little attitude when you don't get your way, wait back that up, you have a BIG attitude when you don't get your way but I'm attributing that to the terrible twos and hoping you out grow that soon. **please** (WINK) All that aside you are so caring and thoughtful of others and you play so well with your cousins and the kids at your day school. You have become such an amazing little boy and I look forward to the rest of your life with you.

I love you will all my heart and soul snicker doodle!!

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh! to be young again

                                        ~~~~~~~~~~WORDLESS WEDNESDAY~~~~~~~~~
Although this is suppose to be wordless. I thought some explaining was in order, so that you know who these cutie patooties are;  Me & my Sister, Kim when we were little.

AHHHHHH sooo cute huh?
There you have it, a trip down memory lane.

 Until next post,
.....Cherish Every Moment!